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The growth of technology has dramatically changed how we live and work. On a physical level, we sit and stand for much longer periods of time than past generations. Even during our leisure time, we “binge” on entertainment through streaming services or gaming platforms for hours, all while our bodies are again stagnant.  

The most popular tech that we interact with are our screens. And through those screens, we are bombarded by images that both influence and shape how we view ourselves on a physical and mental level. Yet at the same that we compulsively stare at our screens, our bodies suffer from the passive activity. The option to avoid technology completely is not viable for the future. Therefore I sought to find a solution to help offset its damaging effects on our physical bodies.

As part of my research, I consulted with a physical therapist to ask who her core clientele demographic are, what was their most common pains, and what advice would she give to younger people on how to prevent against future pain. "If you just stand up one time every 45 minutes, you’re going to save yourself a lifetime of muscle imbalance."

MATERIALS: cotton weave, nylon stretch, flax seed, silica gel beads, rice, kinetic sand

The next standing solution

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